Alligator in the Lake

An alligator has found his way into the lake of our Florida neighborhood. It happens occasionally. The last time this happened, some people in our neighborhood stopped running, walking their dogs, riding their bikes, afraid of that alligator.

Because we manage with a certain degree of risks, because some influences are less controllable than others, and because there is unpredictability in everything we do, there are alligators in our work lakes too.

This does not mean that we should stray away from our tasks, that we lose focus or change tactics because the alligator might jump out!

Should we be aware of the alligator? Absolutely! Should we keep one eye on that lake? Absolutely!

But don't over-react. Awareness is half the battle. Stay focused on your game-plan. Depending on the history, or the size, of the alligator, you may want to put some measures in place to measure the threat. But don't let what might happen dictate what needs to happen.

By being vigilant of the potential alligator, by having a process to monitor, you will see any threat early enough to manage it - plenty of time to address the emerging risk. In the case of our neighborhood alligator, that would mean RUN!


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