Be a Changemaker

I am very fortunate to work with an organization called Ashoka. Ashoka sponsors and supports social entrepreneurs ( fellows ) around the globe who are doing significant groundbreaking work in all facets of driving social change, by attacking systemic causes in innovative ways.

One of the exciting areas that Ashoka fellows are addressing is the concept of empathy. Innovative work on educating and embedding empathy is being implemented around the world.

The reason this imperative is getting so much attention is the hardening of our culture and society and the clear need for new skills and attitudes that must become embedded in all of us if needed change is to happen on our planet. Change in education, health, poverty eradication, business imperatives ...

We must all become change makers by educating ourselves, by taking our passions for a better world and leveraging them in all aspects of our lives, personal and in the workplace.
The conversation and action needs to happen at all levels .

As individuals and parents, we must talk about becoming change makers. We must become change makers.

As leaders, we must learn how social agendas can and must complement traditional business agendas. The new generation in the workforce demands it more and more every day; and it must be our goal, as it is Ashoka's goal, that the next generation is armed with the skills to be change makers.

Evidence today is overwhelming that empathetic leaders are change makers and develop change makers of the future. Empathetic leaders look at people, issues, cultures and opportunities through other's eyes. An empathetic leader attracts talent. An empathetic leader is successful in diverse cultures. An empathetic leader brings their social passion to the boardroom - they embed shared value into their business models and foster a triple bottom line concept in their business strategies.

How can you be a change maker?
How can you engage in a conversation with your kids about values, just as you do about sports, history, mathematics and geography?

How can you start to create shared value discussions with your management team?


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