Bring all of you to the table

Good leaders bring all of themselves to the table. Our leadership consists of several facets to focus our team and motivate them to achieve goals. How we do that is a function of our style and our values. I have spoken before of empathetic leadership. The bottom line is that people follow a leader who not only knows what they are doing, but who is sincere, transparent and empathetic in their approach.
Our business plans must reflect our fiduciary objectives but also our social and sustainabilility objectives, if we are to truly address the three bottom lines: profit, people, planet. In order to do that, our persona, our passion must come to the table along with our acumen.

This quote by Jerry Colonna wraps it up nicely

“The magic, the alchemy, occurs when what we do mixes with who we are and is cooked by the heat of what we believe.”


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