Create your own relevance

I dont have authority, I can only influence
I feel marginalized
No- one else sees this as a priority but me
I can't get anyone's attention
I can't get the right people to listen
Until this gets fixed, i can't do my job

Sound familiar?  We hear these kinds of statements all the time.  Sometimes we say them or think them ourselves.  The reality is, there are constant roadblocks in the way of achieving our goals.

When we are in control of our goals, when we own the resources, have the authority to do the things to achieve them, then it is easier for us to manage and drive through the roadblocks.

But often, more often than not, in order for us to achieve our objectives we must rely on others, on other influences and resources as well.  We have to align goals with our peers. That is when it gets more difficult. We jump out of the realm  of control and authority, into the realm of influence.

Influence - thats where real leaders make their mark.  Real leaders have a lot of authority, but they recognise that leadership, and the mutual achievement of objectives,  is  less about authority and more about pulling people together towards a mutual goal.  It is about making people see the value in the endgame and wanting to follow you there.   It is about recognizing compromises, and it is about motivating people to deliver.

Good leaders create relevance.  If others don't see the priority, find a way to make it evident.  If other stakeholders don't see something as a priority like you do, offer to pilot it and prove its worth. If you don't have the authority to get something done, figure out how to influence change and be willing to do so with passion.  If you can't get anyones attention, become more visible!

No-one is hired onto the team with all the tools, all the resources, and a nice rolodex of contacts to get their job done.  It is expected that we define our job with our passion, resourcefulness and creativity. It is expected that we create our own relevance.


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