Eyes on the Horizon

When I used to skydive, parachutes weren't as sophisticated as they are now. You couldn't pull on the risers just before landing and land softly on your feet.

We learned the parachute landing fall. Basically, you looked straight ahead at the horizon, not down. The idea was that by looking down your eyes misjudged the speed of descent and therefore the landing, and the mind would send signals to lock legs on impact.
Instead by looking ahead, you relaxed your knees and upon landing collapsed and rolled into a parachute landing fall.

Sometimes when we script a plan to the last degree, when we plan how all the dominoes will tumble , we "lock the legs" of our actions and we lose the flexibility to react, to adjust to inevitable circumstances, twists and turns.

The result is that we don't roll into successful execution, into opportunities that, when seized, will deliver greater results. Keep your eyes on the horizon, remain flexible in your plans and remain open to the twists and turns.


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