No Surprises

As a manager, one of the most important things you can do is level set with your employees on rules of engagement. What do you need to be informed about? How do you want to be informed? The key here is that you don't want any missed expectations, so setting a framework upfront is important.

Work with your team on how you want to interact, what norms the team should follow. And make sure your team understands them.
One of my rules is "no surprises". Don't ever put your boss or stakeholders into a position where they are surprised by a material issue. Put yourself in their shoes. What does your boss need to know in order for them to most effectively do their job?
If in doubt, communicate.

It is always better to engage while the situation at hand is small and manageable. Leaving things to escalate, because you think you can manage your way through them, can have serious consequences, and by the time you reach out for help, or inform stakeholders, the situation will likely have become a serious surprise. And no-one wants that!

No Surprises. Its a simple rule. But a good one.


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