Rose-colored glasses

Our company culture tints our view.  Our daily business issues, agendas and priorities put us into a mental routine. We view the world, our business, our team, our processes through a filter of routine and familiarity.

Do we question enough why we are having a particular meeting...again?

Do we question why we are working a particular priority ... again?

Do we question, why we are dealing with a painful process...again?

Do we question whether we should be doing things differently, do we challenge ourselves to try a different approach, or are we nicely settled in the routine, seeing our daily work-life through the rose-colored glasses of  longtime employees who have become acclimatized to the quirks and idiosyncrasies, and who just deal with them as part of the job. When we do that, we are sucking productivity, energy and fun out of our company.

All too often, we accept the "flow" of our business interactions and processes as how things just are.

But then... along come our new hires. They come into the company with no preconceived notions. They are not wearing our rose-colored glasses; at least not for the first 90 days.

Meet with new hires. Ask them to give you their unvarnished perception of how the company runs. You'll be surprised at how clearly they see things that we just gloss over. Listen to them, see how clear the world is without those glasses on for just a little while... and address those little things that make all the difference.


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