The Star Wars Bar Scene

The Star Wars bar scene

A high performing team is an amazing thing. When a leader puts together a strong team, they create an exponential force in their business. When a leader builds their team, they are doing two things.

First, they are assuring that the individuals on the team are capable and in the right positions, and that the key positions in their organization are filled with the right people.

Second, they assure that each of these managers understand that they have a second job - they are members of the team, and are accountable to each other for the collective objectives of the team. They work together and align resources to tackle team priorities and strategy. Their objectives and rewards are tied to their team job as much as to their individual accountabilities.

This doesn’t mean that everyone needs to be a superstar; it means that as we fill our positions with talent we do so with an eye to both jobs, and we create a diversity of skills and styles that are complementary to the team objectives.

We have all seen teams that just don't function as a team! Even when the team-members are highly capable. In those cases the leader either hasn’t motivated and led the team to its collective objectives, or the team members are not team players, but rather a group of high-perfgorming individual contributors; and therefore they are only capable to deliver on half your expectations.

When a team is only a collection of individuals, half the job doesn’t get done and deliverables are not met. Its as simple as that!

A strong team is akin to watching the Traveling Wilburys play. Huge individual talent that gets together selflessly to create music beyond themselves.

A weak team is more reminiscent of the bar scene in Star Wars. Everyone playing and only caring about their own tune. Its chaos and the music is terrible. Don't let your team be perceived by the organization as the bar scene in Star Wars! Invest in building your team so they play music that is beyond themselves.

Invest in your team! It takes time, but it’s critical. Build a high-performing team, and your results will come, and you will have fun … and maybe as a reward, you can take them to see Star Wars and laugh at the bar scene!


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