The Three R s

When looking at your business and relationships, think of the three Rs:

Responsiveness – How responsive we are is something that is completely within our control. We choose to ignore, delay, vacillate; no-one else does that for us. Being responsive means you value the other person. Its an empathetic skill that tells your customer, your employee, your partner that what they contribute is meaningful and that you are interested and care. Lack of responsiveness denotes apathy. Responsiveness is a differentiator.

Respect – No matter your own views on a topic or a person, ALWAYS treat people with respect. There is no situation, no matter how serious or dire, that allows for disrespect. Think of the many emails you see in your workplace where people attack, find fault, WRITE IN CAPS to yell over email. Its unprofessional and disrespectful. From a purely selfish standpoint, you are only as good as your network. If someone treats me with disrespect, how willing am i to help them?

Reliability – what we stand for only matters if it is reliable. Quality without reliability is not Quality. If I cannot be counted on, what good is my service or product? If I am unreliable in how I arrive at meetings, meet deadlines, deliver my product to my customer, then my service and product is worthless. Worthless. Be reliable in all you do and commit. People notice that! People value it more than you imagine.


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