Working the Assumptions

For many, budget season is starting. How many budget review meetings have you sat in, where it is unclear as to which assumptions are being made about the business? Your audience starts to "flip ahead" in the presentation, looking for answers to their questions, looking for supporting slides.

As you prepare your business plan for next year, and as you prepare to present your budget, take the time to articulate up front the key operating and market assumptions that drive your plan and your numbers. Tell your audience what they are going to see and which key levers drive your business and are therefore addressed in the plan & budget. Doing this sets the expectation, and it also gives your audience the comfort, that key factors have been considered and will be addressed by you.

Do not let unanswered questions deter from your presentation. Start with a strong executive summary where you take the time to articulate the key assumptions that the audience will see embedded in the presentation.

Trust me, its worth it! You will have their attention from slide 1, and will keep it.

PS - keep this in mind for any presentation. Not just budgets.


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