Bob Dylan's dad was pretty wise too

Sometimes we start to feel sorry for ourselves, because we don't have everything we would like to have. Maybe we would like to take that extra vacation, or buy that bigger house. At work , our boss won't authorize that headcount we need to get the job done, won't give us the budget we need.

And it seems like the cards are just stacked against us and all we need is a break!

Well, sit back and think of what you do have. Take a look at the resources you have at your disposal. Maybe you need to make a choice between that vacation or the car. Maybe if you reprioritize some resources at work, you can put the resources against that priority you believe in.

Bottom line, we usually have to make do with the cards we are dealt, and if we focus, if we prioritize, we find we have more Aces up our sleeve than we thought.

And then, of course, there is the good advice that Bob Dylan received from his father:

"Remember Robert, in life anything can happen. Even if you don't have everything you want, be grateful for the things you don't have that you don't want"


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