Deploying your decisions

Thomas Horton says " good decisions and good intentions are not the same thing".

This is absolutely right. It is not in the making of the decision that things happen. Its in the deployment, in the execution.

A friend of mine observed that just because an email goes out with a new process or policy, does not mean it gets deployed. Implementing a decision is where the rubber hits the road.

And yet all too often, we make the decision, we communicate it but it doesn't get deployed. Why is that?

Look at the culture of your organisation, of your team. Look at your culture. Do you follow up to see if people deployed the decision? Are there consequences if people don't follow through?

A consultant friend of mine told me that a value in their firm is the "license to dissent". That is a great norm to have when you are meeting with your team, brainstorming solutions. But make sure that your organization doesn't feel they have license to dissent, to "opt out" of policy and process decisions.

So make the decision. But most importantly, make sure it is deployed.


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