Guest Blog - Paul Mullins

Packing your suitcase
When we pack our suitcase for a long trip or a vacation,we always plan for what we need and pack accordingly and leave enough space for things we might add during the trip. Such methodical well thought out planning results in a peaceful and less stressful ( read succesful ) trip.

This is not disimilar to when I prepare for a sales or business strategy. It is important to think ahead as to what you need to accomplish and what tools need to be packed to get there. Ignoring this careful planning ( "packing"), can have a significant impact on the execution of your objectives. It is important , when you map out your gameplan, that you think through and organise the tools required. Your " suitcase" needs to accomodate the items needed in the various milestones of your plan.

Good planning, and corraling the resources you need when you start your journey is critical. Once you have decided on your plan and the required resources, make sure you take full accountability for it. Own it! Just like when you are packing, we all know what can happen when someone, with good intentions, starts messing with your suitcase. You lose sight of what is packed, or where it is. And all of a sudden you find yourself inVladivostok in winter without a jacket and a hawaian shirt and shorts you have never seen before.


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