Know your audience

The best thing you can do to communicate effectively, is to recognize and to adjust to your audience
How many times have you been to a meeting and the conversation is really tactical and someone keeps elevating the commentary to 30,000 feet with overarching umbrella statements that don't add much value. Or vice versa; its a strategic discussion and someone keeps diving into the weeds -Don't be that person.
Recognize the tenor of the discussion. Recognize your audience. Stay at the same altitude.
When making presentations, the same applies. Tailor your slides to the audience. Don't get wrapped up in convoluted headlines if a simple headline does the trick. My rule of thumb on presentations:
Start with an executive summary telling the audience the salient points of your presentation
Less is more; but have enough detail to where the presentation can be understood without you there; your role is to add color.
No acronyms
No animation. You are not an entertainer
Your presentation should be able to be distributed to others so that  they can understand it
Know your audience!


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