Paul Mullins Guest Blog - Friend or Colleague

Dennis Rodman and Johnny Rotten don't care if you like them. Their success talks for themselves and the bad boy image furthers their game.

We aren't them.

In our work, we need to get along. How many times have you heard that managers can't  be everyones friend. That's true - favoritism or ingratiating yourself with your employees creates hurdles, creates unhealthy dynamics. 

However, strong leaders understand  that business is about relationships. All relationships require investments.
They require ongoing open, transparent communications and openness to each others' critiques and suggestions. They require trust. 

In essence, many of the tenets of friendship exist in a strong working relationship. 

So it's not as simple as saying managers shouldn't treat employees as friends. Because that leads to authoritarian command and control dynamics

There is a balance, where strong relationship values dictate  a productive working environment. 
Values are values. Use them to create momentum and a strong set of team norms.


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