Sharpening your saw

Sharpening the saw

I met with a colleague the other day  and he told me that he is always looking for a way, in his job " to sharpen the saw".  In other words, to fine-tune  his skills and approach, to always keep the edge.

Sometimes we fall into the comfort zone.  We are happy with how things are progressing, and maybe then approach our work with too much of an " if it ain't broke, don't fix it" attitude.

When I  started working in my first job out of college, my father gave me a piece of advice that has stuck with me forever:
"If things are going well, we can become complacent. It's exactly when things are going well that we constantly have to look in the rear view mirror to make sure our competition isn't sneaking up on us."

That applies not only to the competition; we have to keep our edge to keep improving.  Not moving forward means you are moving backwards.

In  other words, spend time thinking about how to sharpen your saw.


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