there is no check-in!

Heard of the management saying "check ypur ego at the door"?
Well, guess what. There is no check-in booth when it comes to how you deal with people.

All of us come to meetings and people interactions, with all of us. Our fears, worries, concerns, work/life balance issues, and yes, our egos!

And that is not a bad thing. If we come in pretending to be one thing, if we come in, trying to hide a piece of who we are, then we are not sincere. And we are certainly not bringing all of us to bear. And that means we are shortchanging our partners.

Of course, there are times when negatives, pressures are consuming us, and we would rather not let those influence our agendas. But the reality is, we bring all of us to the table. What we can do, is be aware of what we have going on, and manage accordingly. And by doing so, we will also raise our awareness that everyone we deal with has similar things going on. When we are attuned to ourselves and to those we deal with, we are more transparent, more honest, more empathetic... and it makes for a better outcome!

Awareness is half the battle! But to suggest that we can leave part of us at home while we work, or part of us at work when we come home. Doesn't work.

You are who you are. Be aware of it, and manage it.


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