Thought Partners

Thought partnership is one of the most powerful tools of which you can avail yourself. Your peers are thought partners. Your customers are thought partners. Your employees are thought partners. Your boss is a thought partner.
But you also need some input from outside the daily fray.

Every day, all day, you are surrounded by people, making decisions, travelling to see customers, meeting with employees … and yet you can still feel alone in the decisions you need to think through.

It is important that you have a few people with whom you can really talk. Create time for stepping back and talking with trusted mentors.

I belong to an organization called YPO. As part of YPO, I meet monthly with my Forum, a group of 6 CEOs. We have been meeting for more than 5 years now, every month; Forum is a completely confidential way for us to bounce business and life off of each other. Through Forum I learned that arms-length thought partnership is critical for a leader. And I have worked to create a good network of thought partners.

Build your thought-partnership network. Use it.


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