Tolerance of Ambiguity

As we move up the management ladder, we need to have a strong tolerance of ambiguity. It is one of the most elusive skills to learn, and yet one of the most critical. Why?

• Not everything will be spelled out for you
• Surprises happen
• Shocks in the system happen (uncontrollables)
• The market changes

Leaders have to be able to manage and lead in an environment of unknowns, and be able to make judgment calls based on their experience, and trust in their teams.

Often, accountabilities and responsibilities aren’t clear. Expecting them to be is just plain unrealistic.

Fill the vacuum. If something needs to get done, and no one seems to own it, take the bull by the horns and take de facto authority and accountability.

Thomas Horton in his book The CEO Paradox, says “I’ve noticed that responsibility falls to the person willing to take it and your job will be a lot easier if you let others help carry the load”.

Be great in managing ambiguity; Take responsibility when needed. And leverage your team to deliver.


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