Want change? Change yourself!

All too often we hope that conditions will change. Or we expend a lot of energy trying to change circumstances so that we can achieve what we need to do.

We do the same with people.
When we struggle with our co-workers, we often complain (certainly to ourselves) about their style, their approach, their perspective.

When we disagree with our boss, we often wish they would change their approach.

Good leaders realize that it is their style, their behavior that creates change in peoples' motivation and performance. It starts with an attitude that expecting people to change is most often an exercise in futility. You don't have influence over that nine times out of ten. But changing the way you interact with them, the way you lead them, can create amazing changes in your working relationship and its results.

By investing in your working relationship with others, by establishing clear rules of engagement and expectations, that investment will reap dividends.


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