Your key levers

Whether you are delivering a business plan, managing a turnaround, an action plan to get synergies from a merger, or trying to attain a revenue growth target, your results fall along a curve. Understand the key levers of your business because not everything can be a priority, not everything can get the same resources.

Figure out where your results need to come from. What areas of your business have momentum, will fuel your plan? Which areas need investment because they will be your future engines? Which areas need turnaround attention? What are the key levers? Which people in the organisation do you task with the big deliverables? This is where you allocate your attention and resources. This is where you set your targets and management systems. This becomes your meeting agenda. This becomes your communications platform.

Give everyone a big task, but know where your bread is buttered and put your energy there. You are guaranteed to get better results that way.


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