Guest Blog - Morten Damgaard

Engagement – you know you want it!

All of us have at some point in our careers been at a place where we didn’t feel we got the engagement we needed from our manager.

When you don’t get it you are a bit less motivated, a little less energized. Conversely, when you get it you tend to have a spring in your step and a lot more energy.

Not surprisingly, the people working for you have a similar need for engagement.

While each person’s need is different it is there and it requires your attention. Some companies use assessments to uncover basic motivational needs and these assessments can assist you some of the way, ultimately though it’s about talking to your people – not just the ones reporting to you but the people on all levels in the organization. Everyone’s got a view, a story to tell, an experience to share. Not only does it provide a kick for your people, it is an important tool for you to keep attuned to what goes on in the organization.

At a work place there is a natural hierarchy. The boss, her direct reports, subordinates, etc. Everyone has their role and for the most part everything clicks and the machine keeps humming nicely along. But it’s the engagement across hierarchical boundaries that makes it really tick.

It never ceases to amaze me how far a little engagement gets you


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