Guest blog - Paul Mullins

Take a fresh route.
I traveled by train from Frankfurt to Zurich for the last 12 months, the first few trips being exciting as you look out of the trains window admiring all the new landscapes.
Then routine sets in, seasons change but nothing else seems to look different.

Again all seems to become routine. Why do some of us allow this to happen? Is it a comfort zone, do we enjoy knowing what will happen day in day out?

I see some of us not allowing this to happen; as soon as we start to feel routine we change something, we take a different route to work or a different mode of transport. This always keeps us with a fresh view on things.

As leaders our teams expect us to continue to inspire them with creativity, constructive changes and fresh views on how we deliver to expectation.

Remember when you start to get that feeling, take another route, you will get a completely new view of the day


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