Hiring to fill the gap

When you are hiring a member of your team, you are really interviewing for three jobs:

1. This individual will have tactical day-to-day responsibilities for which they are accountable. You will rely on them to execute on those accountabilities, and to build and lead an organization to drive results forward. Here you are looking for technical and leadership competencies that will deliver the results you need. And you are looking for an individual who will work well with you and your team, who has the style and values to complement.

2. This individual will also be a member of your management team - your board. As such, they will need to step outside the roles and accountabilities they were hired for, and take responsibility, along with the rest of the team, for the overall governance and results of the organization. In order to make the team stronger, you will look for skills and experience that complements those of your existing team so that this addition will be accretive to the team.

3. take a hard look at yourself. Look at your strengths. Assess your areas of weakness. Just as you are looking to have this individual complement your other team-members, you will also want them to complement you, your style and capabilities. As a thought partner, this person should challenge you and help you gain perspective that you would otherwise not get.

So look at hiring in a broader way. Often we are so eager to find the perfect fit for the job, that we don't evaluate the fit with the team and the fit with ourselves. Executives play multiple roles and we need to have the diligence to hire for all of them.


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