Michelangelo's marble

I read a sermon a pastor gave about vision. He speaks of a large flawed block of marble in a quarry in the 1400s that lay for 40 years because no-one saw a use for it. Until a 26 year old man came upon it and saw within that slab of marble, a graceful man, the statue that was to become Michelangelo's David.

Michelangelo said he already saw David in that marble, that he only had to chip away at the marble that trapped him.

When we infuse Vision into our life and work, we dare dream and stretch for what is possible but not yet within our reach. We have to be able to see what is possible.

Vision is what propels us forward, what unleashes our next potential. Vision is the what moves us from the quagmire of status quo.

Make time for vision.

We have to be able to see the David in that block of marble AND have the desire and drive to chip away at the marble!

Create your vision, rally your teams to execute against it, and arm them with the hammers and chisels to unleash it.


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