My father's briefcase

These days we have more information at our disposal than ever before, and we have more tools to do our jobs as managers. But we have to make sure that this doesnt' lead to more complexity.

It reminds me of my father's briefcase. When i was a child growing up in Europe, I would remember my father leaving for the U.S. for a business trip. He had a thin leather briefcase. In it would be his presentation he had prepared for his meeting, copied on transparencies. Also in the briefcase would be some recent telexes and a few other items.

We, on the other hand, have briefcases that are so full with computers, devices, cords and paperwork that they are more like small suitcases. Some of us even use backpacks or suitcases with wheels and handles to protect our backs from the weight! The information age is supposed to have streamlined our lives, but we know better!

When my father left for his trip, his presentation was done, copied onto transparencies. The process and tools he had, required him to be finished with his presentation, to create disciplined deadlines. How often have you flown in for a meeting and been up until late the night before, adjusting presentations with your team, adding a few more slides, a bit more information?

And often the result of all that hurrying, all that last minute information and messaging, is that our presentations are too long and disjointed and the message is ineffective or even lost.

All that information, all those tools. Make sure you use them to your advantage. Use them to streamline and organise your work. Dont let them become agents of chaos and complexity.

Look in your briefcase. What do you see?


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