Play in your sandbox

Think of your business, your business plan, as the sandbox that you have decided to play in. You are not in the business of offering everything to everyone. Good business plans provide focus and direction to the organization. They define the sandbox in which your business will play.This does not mean that your business plan can't target new ventures, creative forays into new products. But that process, that direction needs to be defined.

Sometimes we allow ourselves to get excited and distracted by opportunities that don't fit into our business plan, into our sandbox.

When we allow that to happen, we risk distraction, we risk removing focus of resources away from our priorities, and we risk potentially dabbling in ventures that are non-core and in which we don't have the necessary expertise.

Defining your sandbox, creating a solid business plan, assures that your team is singularly focused on delivering the key levers needed to succeed.

Stray outside your sandbox and you may find yourself playing an unfamiliar game.


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