Strategy - part art, part science

Developing a strategic plan is part art, part science.

Dot every i, cross every t, and you've likely created a prescriptive set of tactics that have boxed out all the flexibility and potential that comes with responding to opportunity and the inevitable change that gets thrown our way.
This approach reminds me of Rennaissance landscapes; meticulously painted, perfectly balanced themes, clearly depicting exactly what the artist sees. No room for interpretation. What you see is what you get.

Discard the notion of long-range planning, and you risk managing your business with a set of disjointed priorities that don't take your business in a concerted unified direction. Here I am reminded of that Escher painting with lots of stairs leading nowhere- lots of priorities with no common objective.

Approach planning like an impressionist. Bold strokes on the canvas. Be deliberate in depicting the endgame but be ok with a picture that is a bit fuzzy, that leaves room for interpretation. Dont paint the scene down to the last detail. Give your organisation a clear enough view of the endgame, but leave room for interpretation.


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