Try Sleeping With a Mosquito

Ghandi: " the difference between what we do and could do, would suffice to solve most of the world's problems"

No- one I have ever met has been satisfied with, or proud of the state of our planet and the inequities and injustices that exist. And yet, we seem to make very little progress in solving the critical issues for our planet's and mankind's well-being and survival -issues of poverty, global health , people's rights and violence, to name a few.

As individuals we have to look deep and understand how we will make a difference. How we will sign up to be changemakers.

As businesspeople we must also recognize our obligations - we must also be change makers, not through social crusades but through leveraging the core competence of our business - the concept of shared value posits that every business can create business plans that create social profit as well as financial profit - the triple bottom line - profit, people, planet!

And sometimes we will doubt our capacity as individuals to make that kind of difference. The Dalai Lama replies to that with the following:

" If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito."


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