Al Getier - The LEaders we need

The Leaders We Need

We need leaders today that will take risks, invent new ways of doing things and give people room to grow, succeed and even fail once or twice.

We need leaders today that know that value of money, but don’t value money over people. People valued will produce treasures unimagined. Stop valuing people and your coffers will dry up.

We need leaders bold enough to say ‘yes’. We need leaders strong enough to say ‘no’. We need leaders cunning enough to say ‘not now’.

We need leaders that can talk. We need leaders that can listen. We need leaders that can communicate. We need leaders that value discourse because a leader needs input.

We need leaders that work hard. We need leaders that play hard. We need leaders with balance.

We need leaders who are not afraid to laugh at themselves. We need leaders who can cry. We need leaders who can laugh and cry with those they lead.

We need leaders who read. We need readers who think. We need leaders who write and express their thoughts clearly.

We need leaders who learn. We need leaders who teach. We need leaders who mentor. We need leaders who have been mentored.

We need leaders with courage because courage is being afraid, but doing it anyway.

We need leaders who are smart because being smart is not knowing everything, but is knowing where do get the answers.

We need leaders with fortitude, because there are always plenty of people who want to criticize and want to tear down the leader.

We need leaders with self-confidence who are able let their team members do what they do best and are not fearful of being outshined.

We need leaders who can trust because people grow when they are delegated responsibility.

We need leaders with a passion for leadership who dedicate their lives to being the best leader they can be even if it requires them to change.

We need leaders who can engage the young, encourage the mature and assure the old.

We need leaders.

We need leaders now.

We need leaders today.

Don’t stand around and wait for somebody else to lead.

Begin leading today.


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