Building your network

When i am coaching executives, i work with them to understand their network, the importance of their network.

As leaders, we have access to people and relationships that allow us to get things done, to receive input, to leverage resources. This is our network. That network should be developed continually, from the time we start as managers until the day we retire.

Networks don't develop by chance. leaders with strong networks work at it. They identify who within the company they need to meet, who they need to have a better relationship with. And they do the same to build their network outside of the company.

Take the time to identify how you can strengthen your network. Ask yourself these two questions:

1. With whom do i need a better relationship/who do i need to meet in order for me to better do my job?
2. With whom do i need a better relationship/who do i need to meet in order for me to prepare for/perform better in my next job?

And in your performance reviews with your team, talk to them about the importance of networking, of understanding that their network can always be developed and improved. Ask them the two questions and make it part of their development plan.


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