Do i step in?

As a leader, you find yourself evaluating daily, how much to engage, how much to insert yourself:

With your employees - how much latitude do i give? how much oversight is needed?
Negotiations - at what point do i engage?
With your peers - at what point do i inform them of potential issues

While every situation is different, there are a couple of things to consider:

Rather than focus on the inflection point of engagement, think through this early. Engage and agree early on communication protocol, on feedback mechanisms. What will be your feedback loop? When this is established, then all are informed early and appropriately. No surprises

When in doubt, communicate. Over-communicate.

If you have empowered your team, let them run with it. They should know they can come to you if they face a hurdle, and if you have your feedback protocol established, this will come naturally. Now you are not stepping in, but guiding.

When negotiations are involved, strategize early. Have your game plan set. There are times when keeping you out until the very end has advantages. Introducing you, introduces the last line of defense, so now it is you negotiating. Your team has passed the baton. Know when and if you want to do that.

There are times when to step in and grab the reins, but make sure that those situations are few and far between. Prepare with your team, leverage your team.


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