
You have defined your strategy. You have built a robust business plan with your key levers clearly articulated. You have created a communications plan and it is being deployed.

And yet, the organization does not seem to be rallied around the key levers. You worry that the daily execution of your organization has not shifted to the priorities.

Its not the employees you need to worry about. Look at your leadership. Have they translated and adjusted the focus of the plan they built, into their management systems and styles?
Does your leadership have a tight management system in place with a dashboard that monitors these priorities; have their staff meeting agendas, their interactions been adjusted?

A focused plan must be translated into focused execution, focused messaging, focused management.

My colleague, Marc Moss reminded me of a parallel that got me thinking about the importance of executing focus:

The sun burns at 15 million degrees centigrade, and its light and presence is everywhere. Its rays can blast all day long at a pot of water, but the water will never boil.
But, If you take a small flame and put hold it under the water, the change and results are instant, the water boils.

Are we spending enough time putting flames under our people or are we expending too much energy radiating?



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