Guest Blog - Henk Vlietstra

Be seen
In boating, the captain needs to be seen to be in control, no matter how hairy the situation gets.
It's about keeping people calm and focused, letting people know that the leader is aware and has the situation under control.

Its no different in business.

As managers, we are often tempted, when there is a crisis, to lock ourselves up, huddle and develop a gameplan. Our people see that. While we are at that meeting, at that offsite, assume that they are hearing rumours, that customers are calling them; and whatever they are hearing is likely far from the truth and worse than reality.

Recognise that your organisation, all of it, is aware. How you and your leadership respond, act and show yourselves, matters; and it matters early in the crisis.

Be seen.

Be seen. You don't always need to be heard but if you aren't in there in the fight with your people, if you arent in the trenches communicating and leading them, then how motivated will they be to fight the tough fight for you?


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