Guide to conduct

My boarding school had a code of conduct that has always held me in good stead:
1. Consider the comfort and convenience of other people. This is the hallmark of courtesy and good manners.

2. Don't make unnecessary or exaggerated noise.

3. Don't draw attention to yourselves. Never be loud or vulgar.

4. Show restraint in your dress.

5. See that your clothes are neat and clean and appropriate to the occasion.

6. Don't loiter or lounge about or look sloppy.

7. Always make way for others and defer to older than yourself.

8. Notice if anyone else is in difficulties and if you think you can be of service, offer quietly to help.

9. Show respect to everyone you meet, regardless of their social position, nationality, color or religion.

Sometimes the obvious things are the things that need to be said the most!


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