Performance Reviews - changing with your employees

Let's face it. Today's generation has different expectations. They are more mobile, have different expectations, require more feedback, give more feedback.

And how have we adjusted performance reviews? Not much. It is time to rethink how we engage with our employees around feedback.

Think about doing more performance reviews with your employees, receiving and giving more frequent feedback. During your reviews, spend as much time on things other than performance against objectives - things like development objectives, career plans, network opportunities, listening to the employees' feedback on the company, the department, you.

Require of your employees that they take ownership of their future. Its their development plan! But understand, that in this time of social media and mobility, your employees have higher expectations on the flow of information ...and that certainly applies to performance discussions.

Performance reviews don't need to be two to three hour sessions. In fact, the more you do throughout the year, the more concise they will become. At the end of the day, you have four objectives in discussing performance with your employees:

1. They need timely, detailed feedback on how they are performing and where they need to improve.
2.There should be no surprises about how you believe they are performing.
3. You should be receiving feedback about your leadership style, and about the business in general.
4. Jointly develop a specific plan to continue the employee's development in their current job, as well as preparation for their next opportunity.

Invest in your people, and they will invest in you.


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