Sausage, Spaghetti and Sushi

I was discussing the other day, how much I like to eat, and that my tastes reflect experiences and periods in my life.

I have always liked liverwurst for breakfast, love a nice bowl of pasta for lunch, and sushi is a must before a good karaoke night. In other words, I have always enjoyed the local cuisine of the countries I have lived and worked in.

Nowadays, all of us work in a global environment and sooner or later we are working with different cultures and people. When you stick to hamburgers and french fries while your network is enjoying papaya salad or paella, you are sending a message of inflexibility.

Good global leaders are empathetic and read and adjust to their surroundings.

Think twice before imposing your way on others. Instead, peruse the menu, take advice on what to eat from others and assimilate. Most often people will expect you to look for that McDonalds in Hong Kong. What they are thinking is that you won't adjust. Don't be that person. Go for dimsum and enjoy the strength that comes from embracing diversity.


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