The dreaded wishlist & scopecreep

Ever had one of those big transformational projects that starts out with a clear focus and mission, and somehow ends up getting bogged down with complexity and lack of definition?

How does that happen? How is it prevented?

Most often, when your company decides to embark on a major initiative, the goals are clear. Typically the board or executive team approve (fund!) the initiative and then a team is compiled to manage and drive implementation. When the subject matter experts come together, when execution begins - that is the inflection point. This is where the established needs often morph into a long list of wish-list items, or, with strong management, the team stays focused and does not allow the scope to be compromised.

This is very visible with big company initiatives, but the reality is, it happens every day in your shop. If your marching orders are clear, and you manage things tightly, then you won't see the dreaded scope creep. However, with lack of clarity, without strong management metrics, without clear scope definition, you will run the risk of your objectives being diluted. The result is that projects become too big, too cumbersome and try to solve all the ills of the world.

Don't let that happen. Focus, focus, focus. Any project worth its salt has strong sponsorship, clear milestone reviews and sets the parameters of the mission at the very outset.


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