The Riot Act

I called one of my team members from a business trip and started the conversation with, "are you sitting down, because I am going to read you the riot act."

I proceeded to go off for a bit on something I was not happy with (the fact that I remember this story, but can't remember what the issue was, is somewhat telling) and once I got it off my chest, we spoke for a while. I had needed to have the discussion, but my approach wasn't the best, that's for sure.

Two weeks later, he walks into my office. He is holding in his hands a thick stack of paper, and begins to tell me, "the other day you called me and said you'd read me the Riot Act. I screwed up and deserved it."

Then he handed me that thick stack of paper and said "Next time, if you really want to get me, really read it to me!" He had printed out the actual British Riot Act of 1714. We had a great laugh.

I still have that on my desk to this day. It reminds me of two things. Firstly, don't overreact. Secondly, as a team that works hard and goes through good and tough times together, we always have to be able to look back on things with a good sense of humor.

Thanks Paul, for that reminder. Never forgot it.


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