There is no such thing as a bold idea

There is no such thing as a bold idea. Good ideas are good ideas but they are in your head or on a piece of paper. The boldness sits in the execution.
Many a great idea has died the death of stagnation because, as my friend Essa would say, we didn't have the "edge", the willingness to jump into the risk to boldly grab it and execute.
Don't deliberate too much; don't be too conservative in testing and running pilot projects. View the data but blend it with your gut, your gut that comes from experience.
I met with an investor the other day. He understood our financial projections and understood the conservatism in projections as a necessary way to not fall into the optimistic hockey stick business plan; but he wanted to differentiate that projection, that plan from how are we were REALLY going to implement. "You should know in 6 months if the business idea is a winner; if it is, then don't look back". . . Or you lose the edge.
Boldness lies in execution, not in the idea


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