Your Style - it matters

I pay attention to style.

When i coach and lead people, understanding style perspectives. I have done this for many years, and its hard wired in me (like muscle memory).

Understanding your dominant behavioral style is critical. I use a methodology called PI Predictive Index. It helps managers understand their style, what motivates and drives them. And it assesses their job along the same criteria, so you can understand how your style maps to the expectations of your job.

I know my style and I know when i need to adjust it. (funny thing about your dominant style is that it manifests itself most in times of stress and crisis). I consciously try to engage people in meetings and make sure everyone is heard. Why? Because I'm naturally inclined to take over a conversation.

It is also critical in evaluating how you communicate information or try to get your point across. Pick three key stakeholders in your organization; think about their styles. Chances are they are vastly different. When you learn to assess that with a tool like PI, you also learn what approach works best for each person. It is not about trying to pull one over on people, but more-so it is about making sure your presentation is keyed to your audience. If you are talking to someone who has a high sense of urgency and little time for detail, you would present differently than if you are talking to someone who likes to see all the facts.

Understand your style.


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