Building on the idea

Ever notice that when a colleague is talking, that even though we are excited about what we are hearing, we are just dying for their point to be made so we can put ours forward?

And in a meeting, you can bet that others around the table are waiting for the same opportunity.

Truth is, when we hear points of view, they trigger ideas in us that we then want to share. That in itself is good. However, in our hurry to formulate and share our idea or opinion, we basically stop listening, and as a result concepts don't get explored, don't get matured through discussion and debate.

The art of building on the idea - next time that voice in your head starts formulating a response, think instead of how you can build on the idea you are hearing. In your response, begin your sentence with "I would like to build on that idea..." and give your input in a way that expands the original premise.

In other words, instead of the idea losing steam as the meeting heads in another direction, you are blowing life into the idea, building on it. As others do the same, the idea is explored with depth and opportunities arise.

As a meeting leader, facilitate the exploration of concepts and ideas. Don't let them be dropped on the table with little exploration. Facilitate your members to build upon what others are saying.

That build discourse. And discourse builds breakthrough thinking!


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