
As leaders, we have to create, define and embed the culture of the company in all we do. A company is defined as much by its culture, its norms, than the products or services it sells.

A company without a defined culture, is a company that does not move together as one. It is a company that does not act consistently. And it is a company that risks engaging in a manner that does not reflect your culture and value system

Our culture sets the example for how we treat our employees, how we represent our product, how we engage with our customers; it defines the values and ethics by which employees operate.

The culture of a company is part science, part art; part mind, part heart. As a leader, you have to define what you and your company will stand for - its norms and values. As importantly, you and your team have to model that behavior.

For when it comes to culture, actions really do speak louder than words.


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