
One of your team members just isn't engaged at the meeting. They have shut down, stopped participating in the conversation. Their body language screams disagreement.

Our first reaction is that the individual isn't on board; that they are not passionate about the topic being discussed. Sometimes that is the case, and in such times how we react, how we address that dynamic is very important.

I have learned two things in moments like this.

1. Withdrawing from discussion does not always mean that the individual does not care. In fact, very often they withdraw because they care deeply - they just don't see a constructive avenue.

2. Don't let disengagement continue. Great outcomes require everyone to be heard. And in moments like this, being able to get the "quiet one" to voice their thoughts can be the breakthrough you need.

So create a constructive avenue for all to be heard. Sometimes al it takes is to draw an individual out during the conversation. Other times, you may want to call a break in the meeting and pull them aside and ask them why they aren't participating.

But whatever you do, make sure all perspectives are heard.


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