Feedback - Its easier when its timely (and more effective)

The funny thing about feedback is that people want it but its hard to give, and often uncomfortable.

Giving immediate and timely feedback is critical, and easier!.

Firstly, it has a lot more impact. If you are in a meeting and you observe something, either positive or negative, at the next break, pull that person aside: "I observed that you weren't really engaged in that conversation. Is something on your mind?". Or "I really appreciate the way you helped us focus that discussion. We got to a great outcome. Thanks!" The thing about immediate feedback like that is that the individual will respond with energy, right there and then! (And if something is really on their mind, you will know and hopefully be able to help or support) If you wait until weeks later to tell them that you thought they weren't engaged, they will likely think "If you thought that then, why didn't you tell me and i would have done something about it. Now you've carried this perception of me around all this time."

Secondly, immediate feedback is a lot easier. When you are giving it, it is a small thing, an observation that will motivate or help autocorrect an expectation of yours. If you big performance feedback at the end of the year, where you address having observed behavior numerous times, the issue has become big (it started out as a small first occurrence).

So watch out for moments of feedback. They are appreciated. and its really easy and rewarding!


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