Get, Keep and Grow

Scott Northcutt, one of the best HR Professionals I know, introduced a Talent Management strategy which he labelled "Get, Keep and Grow".

Those three words have stuck with me as signposts for Talent Management. Pay attention to these three core attributes, develop robust processes around them, and you have the foundation of a great Talent Strategy:

Get: It all starts with how successful you are at bringing talent into your organization. Understand the qualifications needed for the position. Have a qualified, consistent panel of interviewers. Develop a list of questions that test technical and behavioral qualifications. Make sure you represent the company and its culture and challenges correctly. Overselling leads to disappointment.

Keep: It is all about assuring that once you have brought the right person in, that they are delighted and want a career in your company. Is the on-boarding process robust. Is their manager (that's you!)engaged? Are accountabilities clear? Are there frequent feedback opportunities? Are the team dynamics good?

Grow: Are there opportunities for career advancement? Is there a process for employee performance feedback? Do you work with your employee on a career development plan? Does your team have an annual process to review, discuss and action high performers, high potentials ... low performers?

Do you think about your people, your organization inb the context of Get, Keep and Grow?


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