How to create Ashoka Fellow Advisory Board event

Ashoka event to recruit new ASNs & Ashoka Fellow Advisory Board volunteers


An event that introduces CEOs and executives to Ashoka and Social Entrepreneurship, with the objective of recruiting them to Join as Ashoka ASNs or to volunteer to serve on Ashoka fellow Advisory Boards.
Ashoka Fellow Advisory Boards is a concept we have developed which makes a group of ASNs and executives available to Ashoka fellows to serve as an advisory board on an ongoing basis – available to counsel fellows on all business priorities they have as well as to leverage their networks to benefit the fellow.

The Event:
My YPO and ASN colleague, Navroze Mehta, and I first held this event in Miami in 2008 to introduce our YPO chapter to Ashoka and Social entrepreneurship. At this event we developed the concept of Fellow Advisory Boards and the event was very successful with over half of our chapter now involved with Ashoka.
Subsequent to that event, we have facilitated several similar events for other YPO chapters.

In December of 2012, I worked with the Brazil Ashoka organization to host a similar event. In this case, we did not do it through YPO. In stead, we held a planning meeting with Brazil Ashoka team and Brazil ASNs and Ashoka supporters.

We agreed to each invite a minimum of three CEO friends to the event. Each of the invitees would be told that the event is to introduce them to Ashoka, to the world of social entrepreneurship and to hopefully get them to agree to become an ASN or to volunteer 4 hours every 6 weeks to serve on an executive advisory board.

The event is not to be positioned as a fundraiser, but as an event to introduce guests to social entrepreneurship and to ask them to give a little of their time to be on an advisory board. 

Event planning:
Local Ashoka management and an ASN sponsor work together to put the event together.

Event is planned around a dinner. Dinner should have large circular tables hosting 8-10 people per table. An ASN fellow should be at each table, as should an Ashoka representative and/or ASN.

Funding. We had the ASN who invited the CEO guests pay for themselves and their guests, keeping the Ashoka expenditures to a minimum.

Three Ashoka fellows are invited to present at the event. Presentations are limited to 15 minutes and are designed to introduce the audience to social entrepreneurship, the variety of fields that the fellows operate in, and of course to excite the audience about these three fellows. The fellows also articulate why they need an advisory board.
Note: Ashoka and the event host needs to work with the fellows on their presentations to assure they are tight and to the point, have minimal text. Also to assure that fellows do not use the opportunity top ask for money

The objective is that at very minimum, the three invited fellows receive an advisory board.

Event Agenda:

10 minutes - Host welcomes guests and explains agenda and housekeeping

15 minutes - Senior Ashoka representative gives a presentation , introducing Ashoka and Social Entrepreneurship

20 minutes – ASN presents concept of ASN and fellow advisory boards (their job is to get the audience excited to join, to explain the value that ASNs get out of this). In my case, I do this and either have a fellow with me who has benefited from advisory board or get a short video testimonial from them. It is also the responsibility of the ASN to explain what becoming an ASN means (including financial commitment) and to explain that guests have option of jpining as ASN or just to become an advisory board member

20 minutes - Fellow 1 presentation

20 minutes - Fellow 2 presentation

20 minutes - Fellow 3 presentation

Dinner – objective of dinner is for guests to really interact with the fellows and ASNs and to get excited about working together, to feel how what they do everyday in running their businesses is of huge value as thought partnership to these social entrepreneurs.

During dinner, Ashoka representatives pass out survey and sign-up sheets for guests to express interest in becoming an ASN, and/or join an Ashoka Fellow Advisory Board.

Hans Hickler: Ashoka ASN,
Navroze Mehta: Ashoka ASN
Lorena Garcia Duran: Ashoka
Claudia Duran: Ashoka, Brazil


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