My phone company doesn't get it

After every interaction you send me an sms survey which i diligently answer.
After every interaction you try to sell me a bundled package and i tell you that I don't want it. I am happy with your service but i dont want the bundle.

And yet you try to sell it to me every time, and every time i tell the customer service agent and i tell you on the survey that i dont want you to do that.

And it keeps happening.

Now i am in the situation where i like your service but don't like your approach, which is apparently driven by policy. You are forcing me to either accept the annoyance of your policy or leave a product I intrinsically like.

I will probably leave. I don't like being annoyed, and I like even less the feeling of giving you my survey feedback after every interaction, now knowing that it goes nowhere.

And I have a choice.


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