
Courage can have many different faces, but one thing is for sure - if you don't want to manage the status quo, you need to have courage:

Courage to give tough feedback
Courage to admit failure
Courage to shut a favorite project down
Courage to tell a customer about a missed expectation
Courage to stand up for an unpopular position
Courage to stand up for what is right
Courage to let someone go because they won't be a team player
Courage to go into a new direction
Courage to speak up
Courage to say no

Personal Courage starts with creating an objective awareness about yourself. Recognizing your areas of development, the areas where you feel uncomfortable.

Once you have awareness, pick one element about you that totally takes you out of your comfort zone and tackle it head-on! For example, if you are uncomfortable speaking in front of large crowds, resolve to beat it. Join a toastmasters club, or an improvisation class.

The key is, recognize that getting out of your comfort zone, the status quo will stretch you and make you better.

It takes courage!


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