Give yourself 2 hours

I read a book where the author decided to assure that she got at least 8 hours of sleep a night. One of the benefits of that project was that she woke up naturally at 5:30 in the morning - no alarm clock, just ready to go. And that gave her an extra hour, an hour she had to herself, for herself.

One of the common themes you read about in Leadership books is how people make time during the day to step away, to destress, to recharge the batteries; we know that people function optimally for no longer than 90 minutes before needing a break.

So give yourself two hours.

Take an hour first thing in the morning. Before you turn on the TV, look at your emails, read the paper... take that hour and start the day with an open pallette. Use the time to take a run, work out, meditate. Allocating that first hour of the day to you, will charge you for the whole day.

And during your day, carve out four 15 minute blocks of time to clear the head, to back away from the activity, to regain that perspective and your energy. Whether you physically step away from the office and go for a walk, or whether you take the time to enjoy solitude and relaxation ... the important thing is that you have the ability to step away for a short while, re-center yourself and allow yourself to get to the next task full-on.

Give yourself two hours. You won't miss them - in fact, you will notice how much more productive you are by taking those two hours for yourself. AAnd the people around you will notice how much more present, how much more engaged you are in you activities.

Just two hours.


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